Sunday, 26 May 2013


                                 moviestar planet

hello all of you moviestars as you can see i have made a few changes to this blog!

top moviestars 

1st ishcool

2nd candried 

3rd chuck

4th Roxy-1

5th xsparklesx

 top pic

pics of this moviestar i have no ider who she is !





top video 

 dont add her or you die







Saturday, 25 May 2013



welcome all you moviestars its a lucky day

1st end of school summer fun everyone whoop whoop

2nd new party on msp

3erd im level 5 and rising movie star


new party is .... speed way 

and new cloths and animations

top cloths and hair

1st girl on fire (hair for girls)

2nd cheackerd minnie (top for girls)

3rd hairy feet 


1st ready to fight 

top pic 




can i just say i luv that all of u r sending m efriend requests and autos

Friday, 17 May 2013

                 movie star planet

hi all you movie stars out there 


new party and it is mysterious city all new clothes like shiny tops for all of you non VIPS 

the winner of the contest is a bad girl! 

now top pic 

drum roll plz 


queen of cute 

now top clip is 


movie star planet 

hey soul sister 

bye for now remember give me autos give me gifts and wishys 

see ya later

Sunday, 12 May 2013



welcome back fellow moviestars 

news i got hacked boo hoo

so on msp plz help me find the msp mag i want to write about it

so typ in the coment box where to find them and the winner will get there movie star name said on this so write where to find them and your movie stars name plz help

top tips

1st how to not get hack by little test!

1st she hacks by coming up on your loggin page so DONT TYP YOUR PASS!

dj ferry if you are out there i dont want to be your gf

top pic



Monday, 6 May 2013



gink7 here im vip lol i have been hacked boo hooo 

latest  news

new game called zebra game

new look ghostly glamor

top tips 

how to know when you have been hacked by anonymous 

first your status will change to "iv been hacked by anonymous i can do almost anything nobody's safe".

it all started will a moviestar called little test it was just a matter of time before we found out she was a hacker in 3 days she hacked ishcool ,lucky lilly and meany more